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Livres alimentation et polyarthrite en anglais
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the book

« Rheumatoid arthritis: beneficial aliments and factors ».


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Author: Fabiana Arca. Published the 27th
October 1999, ISBN 2-9700246-0-8, 40 pages, format A3, language only available
in French.

This book is first addressed to
people who have rheumatoid arthritis. The author, affected by this illness,
collected newspaper articles and information on the subject from all sources. In
the above mentioned book 383 aliments and factors concerning rheumatic illnesses
are described. The author recorded the information found over a period of 10
years and reported it accurately in her book as described in the articles with
the mention of the bibliographical source.

The list of aliments and factors are presented in 3
tables: an alphabetically sorted one for quick search on aliments; another is
sorted by illness (such as rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, rheumatism and other
rheumatic illnesses under other definitions); and finally the last is sorted by
vegetable family (showing antirheumatic plants belonging to the same family).

The data collected presents antirheumatic aliments
and factors most frequently mentioned and cited, mainly in Switzerland, from
1989 to 1999.

Using the collected data and « observation » the
author has formulated 14 hypothesis of common characteristics of antirheumatic

The book will allow people affected with rheumatoid
arthritis to:

  • discover antirheumatic aliments and factors and to know their possible
  • to verify their own intuition on food desire;
  • to improve their health and well being by integrating into everyday
    cooking and according to their taste, common aliments with antirheumatic

These antirheumatic aliments and factors do not
substitute classical medical treatment. They may, for some people, increase
their wellness or allow quantitative reduction of medical consumption.

This study was done with the supervision of:

Professor Alexander So, chief doctor of the  »
Rheumatic » Service at the CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) in Lausanne, Jean-Louis Moret, botanist and
conservator at the cantonal botanical gardens in Lausanne, Muriel
Pahud-Noverraz, general secretary of the Vaudoise league against Rheumatism and
Sylvie Nicoud, biologist who made a comparative statistics between antirheumatic
plants presented in this study and medical plants for other illness, in order to
confirm the proposed hypothesis’s.

The author first presented this study to the
Polyarthitical association Vaud group, on the 27th October 1999 in
Lausanne, and this article waspublished in the Journal SPV/ASP INFO of Swiss Association of Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Zürich, June 2000.

can receive this book, only available in French :

  • within Switzerland: price 13.50 swiss francs (postal charges included),
    by sending your address to: Fabiana Arca, rue Langallerie 4, 1003 Lausanne,
    (Vaud), Switzerland or by email to:
  • other countries: price 22.50
    Swiss francs, or 15 Euros, or 18 USA Dollars
    (postal charges included), please pay
    by international money postal order to Fabiana Arca,
    rue Langallerie 4, 1003 Lausanne, (Vaud), Switzerland.

Please no payable bank cheque
because of expensive tax !

After payement you will receive the book.



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